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Post-doctorante FNRS GERME
Adresse courrier: ULB • Institut de Sociologie - CP 124, Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, B-1050 Bruxelles Adresse visiteurs: ULB • Campus du Solbosch, Bâtiment S, 14e étage, Av. Jeanne 44, 1050 Bruxelles +32 (0)2 650 47 98 |
Chiara Giordano holds a PhD in Economic Sociology and Labour Studies / doctorat en sciences sociales et politiques (co-tutorship between the university of Milan and the university of Brussels) and a Master degree in Gender Studies and equal opportunities. She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Group for Research on Ethnic Relations, Migration and Equality (GERME) of the university of Brussels (ULB). Her research interests include female migration, domestic and care work, gender inequality and ethnic discrimination.
- Giordano C. (2022). Ethnicisation and Domesticisation. The impact of care, gender and migration regimes on paid domestic work in Europe. “Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship”, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Articles and book chapters:
- Giordano C. (forthcoming). As I always say, you really need to tame them!”: the definition of working conditions of live-in senior carers by home care providers in Belgium. In Lutz H. & Palenga-Möllenbeck E. (eds.), Home care for sale. The transnational brokering of senior care in Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Giordano C. and Meraviglia C. (forthcoming). Hidden behind closed doors: non-standard employment, migrant women and gender regimes in Europe. International Journal of Social Welfare (Q2).
- Giordano C. (2023). Soins aux personnes âgées : le travail invisible des femmes migrantes. The Conversation France (Politique et société).
- Giordano C. (2022). Home care service providers in Brussels: time adjustments during COVID-19 and the consequences for frontline home care workers. In International Journal of Care and Caring (Q2), https://doi.org/10.1332/239788221X16613786250698 .
- Giordano C. (2021). Home care services for the elderly in Belgium: is professionalisation decreasing gender and ethnic segregation and discrimination in the sector? In Comas d’Argemir and Bofill (eds.), El cuidado de mayores y dependientes. Avanzando hacia la igualdad de género y la justiciar social. Barcelona: Icaria Editorial.
- Giordano C. (2021). The ‘care mix’ adopted by Belgian families and the growing presence of migrant workers in old age care in Belgium. In Horn V. et al. (eds.), The Global Old Age Care Industry - Tapping into migrants for tackling the old age care crisis. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Giordano C. (2021). Freedom or money? The dilemma of migrant live‐in elderly carers in times of COVID‐19. In Gender, Work & Organization (Q1), 28(S1), 137-150.
- Giordano C. (2020). The professionalisation of domiciliary care for the elderly: a comparison between public and private care service providers in Belgium. In International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (Q1), https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSSP-06-2020-0226.
- Giordano, C. (2019). The Role of Gender Regimes in Defining the Dimension, the Functioning and the Workforce Composition of Paid Domestic Work. In Feminist Review (Q2), 122(2), 95-117. doi:10.1177/0141778919851060.
- Giordano, C. (2019). L’aide à domicile à Bruxelles : être femme et migrante dans un métier peu valorisé. In GRESEA Echos, Brussels.
- Giordano C., Alarcon A., Berreda Y, Antinori D. and Jacobs D. (2018). La cohésion sociale à Bruxelles selon ses habitants – Une enquête d’opinion. Fondation Roi Baudouin, Brussels.
- Giordano C. (2007). Quote di Genere. In Ribero A. (ed.), Glossario: Lessico della Differenza, Centro Studi e Documentazione Pensiero Femminile: Torino, pp. 216‐220
Theses and master's dissertations
- Giordano, C. (2018). The impact of care, gender and migration regimes on migrant domestic work: a quantitative analysis at the European level (Unpublished doctoral dissertation) Università Statale di Milano, Faculté de Philosophie et Sciences sociales - Sciences politiques et sociales, Milan.
Liste des publications
List of publications on DI-Fusion.