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Collaboratrice scientifique Maître de conférence et chargée de Recherche FNRS +32 (0)2 650 34 86
Chargée de Recherche FNRS, GERME, Project: Practicing Immigration Detention and Deportation in the EU.
Junior Research Fellow, Wolfson College, University of Oxford
Associate Researcher to Border Criminologies, Law Faculty, University of Oxford https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/people/federica-infantino
2015/2016 Wiener-Anspach Postdoctoral Fellow at COMPAS (Centre on Migration Policy and Society), University of Oxford.
Winner of the 2015 Alice Seghers Prize for the best PhD Dissertation in Political and Social Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
PhD in Political and Social Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles – Aspirante FNRS au CEVIPOL
PhD in Political Science, Comparative Political Sociology, Sciences Po Paris
Visiting researcher at NYU New York University, Department of Politics and UCLA University of California Los Angeles.
Présentation des recherches
I am interested in day-to-day migration and border control in the European Union. My research focuses on actors and organizations that put control into action and I tackle this topic from the point of view of policy studies. I question implementation practices by paying particular attention to the circulation of knowledge across levels of policy-making, transnational actors and transnational dynamics of policy change, the involvement of non-state actors in the functions of governments.
Travaux sélectionnés
Infantino Federica, 2019, Schengen Visa Implementation and Transnational Policy-Making. Bordering Europe. Palgrave MacMillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-10647-8, https://www.palgrave.com/de/book/9783030106461
Infantino Federica, 2016, Outsourcing Border Control. Politics and Practice of Contracted Visa Policy in Morocco. Palgrave MacMillan, Mobility & Politics, DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-46984-7, http://www.palgrave.com/de/book/9781137469830#
Special issue
Côté-Boucher Karine, Infantino Federica, Salter Mark (eds) “Border Security as Practice”. Security Dialogue 2014, 45(3).
Articles in international, peer-reviewed journals
Infantino Federica, “State-bound Visa Policies and Europeanized Practices. Comparing EU Visa Policy Implementation in Morocco”, Journal of Borderlands Studies, 31(2), 2016: 171-186.
Côté-Boucher Karine, Infantino Federica, Salter Mark, “Introduction. Border Security as Practice: An Agenda for Research”. Security Dialogue 45(3), 2014: 195–208.
Infantino Federica, “Bordering ‘fake’ Marriages? The Everyday Practices of Control at the Consulates of Belgium, France, and Italy in Casablanca”, in Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa/ Ethnography and Qualitative Research, n°1, 2014: 27-48.
Infantino Federica, Gouverner les frontières ou appliquer des droits? Le contrôle des mariages aux consulats de Belgique, de France et d’Italie à Casablanca, in Migrations et Société, n°150, 2013: 79-94.
Infantino Federica, Rea Andrea, La mobilisation d’un savoir pratique local. Attribution des visas Schengen au Consulat Général de Belgique à Casablanca, in Sociologies pratiques, n° 24, 2012: 67-77.
Infantino Federica, La frontière au guichet, in Champ pénal / Penal field, nouvelle revue internationale de criminologie [En ligne], Vol. VII | 2010, on line on the 09/24/2010, URL: http://champpenal.revues.org/7864