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Laura Odasso is currently temporary lecturer at Paris Cité University (a.a. 2022-2023) and researcher associate at the chaire Migrations et Sociétés of the Collège de France since 2019. She is also research associate at the Centre Mediterranean de sociologie, de science politique et d’histoire (MESOPOLHIS, CNRS, IEP-Aix, Univ. Aix-Marseille, France) and and French Collaborative Institute on Migrations fellow. Betweeen 2014 and 2016, her research project Awareness and Migration: Organisations for bi-national family rights Empowerment (AMORE) funded by the European program Marie Skłodowska Curie, was hosted by GERME
Characterised by a comparative and qualitative intersectional approach, her researches situate at the intersection of sociology of family migration, sociology of law, and public action. She is specialised on binational/mixed unions, and on the effect of racialization, islamophobia and institutional racism on their careers. Her current research focuses on the migration policy reception and effects on exiles’ intimacy, and on the role of legal brokers in Europe and beyond.
For more info: see her CV
Travaux sélectionnés
Books and book edited
Odasso L., 2016. Mixités conjugales. Discrédits, résistances et créativités dans les familles avec un partenaire arabe, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes
Odasso L. et Fillod-Chabaud A. (dir.), 2020. Faire et défaire les liens familiaux. Usages et pratiques du droit en contexte migratoire, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
Proglio G. and Odasso L. (dir.), 2017. Border Lampedusa – Subjectivity, Visibility and Memory in Stories of Sea and Land, London, Palgrave.
Odasso, L. & Fornalé, E. (2022). «The ‘inconfinables’ or the creation of ‘superfluous lives’ in times of crisis », Migration Letters, 19(6). https://doi.org/10.33182/ml.v19i6.2225
Odasso L. et Fogel F. 2022. « Vie privée et familiale en temps de pandémie. Continuités et ruptures d’une politique discriminatoire. Le cas de la France. », Revue européenne des migrations internationales, 38 (1-2), p. 115-137, https://doi.org/10.4000/remi.20140
Cerchiaro F. et Odasso L. 2021. « ‘Why do we have to circumcise our son?’ Meanings behind male circumcision in the life stories of mixed couples with a Muslim partner », Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, https://doi.org/10.1080/1369183X.2021.1926941
Odasso L. 2021. « Signifier sa pratique du droit des étrangers : éthos professionnel et clivages parmi les intermédiaires du droit au recours », Droit & Société 107(1), p. 83-101, https://doi.org/10.3917/drs1.107.0083
Odasso L. 2021. «Negotiating Legitimacy: Binational Couples in the face of Immigration Bureaucracy in Belgium and Italy», Anthropologica, 63(1), special issue: “Bureaucratic Practices of Migration”. Online: https://doi.org/10.18357/anthropologica6312021273
Odasso L., 2020. «Family Rights-Claiming as Act of Citizenship: An Intersectional Perspective on the Performance of Intimate Citizenship», Identities, 28(1), p. 74-92, https://doi.org/10.1080/1070289X.2020.1723309
Odasso L. 2021.« L’ordinaire de la migration de mariage. Érosion de la citoyenneté et accession sélective à la nation », Métropolitiques, 29 mars 2021. En ligne : https://metropolitiques.eu/L-ordinaire-de-la-migration-de-mariage.html
Odasso, L. (2023, forthcoming in March) «Intimate Citizenship and Regimes of Intersection», in Mary Romero et Reshawna Chappe, Research Handbook of Intersectionality, Edward Elgar Publishing Lrtd. https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/usd/research-handbook-on-intersectionality-9781800378049.html
Odasso L. et Salcedo M., 2022. « Intimacy Brokers. The Fragile Boundaries of Activism for Heterosexual and Same-Sex Binational Couples in France», inD’Aoust Anne-Marie (ed.), Transnational Marriage and Partner Migration: Constellations of Security, Citizenship and Rights, Rutgers University Press, p. 171-188.
Odasso L., 2020. « Controversial Approaches to Measuring Mixed Race in Belgium: the (in)visibility of the Mixed Race Population», in Aspinall Peter and Rocha Zarine (eds), The Palgrave International Handbook of Mixed Racial and Ethnic Classification, Cham, Palgrave MacMillan, p. 279-299.