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Post-doctorante FNRS GERME
Adresse courrier: ULB • Institut de Sociologie - CP 124, Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, B-1050 Bruxelles Adresse visiteurs: ULB • Campus du Solbosch, Bâtiment S, 14e étage, Av. Jeanne 44, 1050 Bruxelles |
Cécilia VERGNANO est chercheuse postdoctorale FNRS, membre de EUMigNet (Intra-EU Regimes of Migration, Labour and Social Reproduction Research Network), Observatoire des Migrations des Alps Marittimes (Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis) et Grup de Recerca d'Antrpologia del Conflicte Urbà (Universitat de Barcelona).
Docteure en antropologie sociale de l’Universitat de Barcelona. Titre de la thèse : « Salir del campo rom. Estrategias desde abajo y planificación institucional en la ciudad de Turín ». Promoteur : Prof. Manuel Delgado Ruíz
Recherches en cours
Agri-LaBor (EU Agro-industrial Labour and Border regimes in a Pandemic Scenario) (FNRS ID: 40005355),
Promotrice : Corinne TORREKENS
Recherches passée
- LABOR-PAS (Labour relations and border regimes in a pandemic scenario. A comparative study of migrant labour in the EU agro-industrial sector) (FWO ID: 12A9822N), promoteur: Karel ARNAUT
- PACT subproject on Italy (Populism and Conspiracy Theories), sous la direction de Michael BUTTER (University of Tübingen)
- REJREG (Rejection Regimes: An Ethnographic Study of the Social Life of Intra-EU Border Regimes) (Marie Sklodowska-Curie ID: 792793), promoteur: Barak KALIR
Domaines d'intérêts
- Migrations
- Frontières,
- Stigma,
- dépossession,
- Mobilités,
- Populismes,
- Théories du complot
Liste des publications
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- Vergnano, C. (2024). The ‘Long Spring’ of migration management: Labour supply in the pandemic-induced EU border regime. Politics, 44(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/02633957231162822
- Vergnano C (2023). The management of Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on migrant farmworkers in Italy: anthropological insights. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 43(3/4). https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSSP-06-2022-0166
- Vergnano C (2021). Supporting migrants’ mobility across securitised borders. Between “non-profit migration infrastructures” and criminalization. Champ Pénal, 23 (http://journals.openedition.org/champpenal/12658).
- Vergnano C (2021) Desired freight and undesired migrants. Security and market forces at internal EU borders. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 39(8) (doi: 10.1177/2399654421998365)
- Vergnano C (2020) From affects to contentious politics: disruptive encounters with migrants along a transalpine route. Revue de Geographie Alpine/ Journal of Alpine Geography, 108(2) (doi: 10.4000/rga.7337)
- Vergnano C (2020) Why take such a risk? Beyond profit: motivations of border-crossing facilitators between France and Italy. Social Anthropology, 28(3), 743-758 (doi: 10.1111/1469-8676.12918).
- Vergnano C (2020) Performing political dissent in a Roma camp: Resistance against housing segregation, from infrapolitical ‘urban violence’ to activism. Studies in Theatre and Performance, 40(1), 83-98. (doi: 10.1080/14682761.2019.1689754)
- Vergnano C (2014) La sedimentación de la exclusión en los discursos y las prácticas: la doble segregación de los rom en la vía Germagnano, Turín, Italia. Scripta Nova, XVIII, 493 (27).
- Vergnano C (2014) Conexiones entre una agresión romófoba y un proyecto de regeneración urbanística en la periferia de Turín, Italia. Una aproximación crítica. Quid16, 4, 84-109.
- Vergnano C (2014) Cómo se construye el racismo: análisis de un pogrom contra rom rumanos en el barrio Le Vallette de Turín, Italia. Quaderns-e de l'Institut Català d'Antropologia 19 (2), 187-201.
- Vergnano C (2024) Alpine Border Conflicts. Migration and Social Polarization in the Everyday Life of Intra-EU Borders, Lexington.
Edited volumes
- Amigoni L, Aru S, Bonnin I, Proglio G and Vergnano C (eds) (2021) Debordering Europe. Migration and controls across the Ventimiglia region. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-56518-3).
Book chapters
- Vergnano C (2023) Italian Uprising from Covid Scepticism to Societal Polarization, in Butter M and Knight P (eds) Covid Conspiracy Theories in Global Perspectives. Oxon and NY: Routledge.
- Lundsteen M, Vergnano C (2022) Espai i fronteres, in Lundsteen M and Navas Perrone M G (eds) Espai i … Reflexions sobre el paper de l’espai en les societats contemporànies. Manresa: Bellaterra.
- Amigoni L, Molinero C, Vergnano C (2021) Smugglers and Smuggled Migrants: Among Sudanese Passeurs in the Border Regime of Ventimiglia, in Amigoni L, Aru S, Bonnin I, Proglio G and Vergnano C (eds) Debordering Europe. Migration and controls across the Ventimiglia region. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-56518-3).
- Vergnano C (2020). Des dispositifs ouvrant des brèches. In Observatoire des Migrations des Alps Marittimes, Le manége des frontières - Criminalisation des migrations et solidarités dans les Alpes-Maritimes. Lyon: Le Passager Clandestin, 40-44.
- Vergnano C and Manca M (2018). Excluded from the possible city. When inclusion projects need 'bad' Roma. In Piemontese, S and Magazzini, T. (eds) Constructing Roma Migrants: European Narratives and Local Governance, IMISCOE Book Series, Springer, 91-108.
- Vergnano C (2016) Etnificar la pobreza: la construcción de la categoría política 'rom' en el marco de las transformaciones políticas y económicas contemporáneas en Europa. In Vieira Da Cunha, N et al. (eds.), Antropologia do conflito urbano: conexões Rio–Barcelona, Río de Janeiro: Lamparina, 87 – 98.
- Vergnano C (2015) La etnificación del conflicto. Asentamientos rom, proyectos urbanísticos e intervenciones sociales en la ciudad de Turín, Italia. In Aricó, G, Mansilla, J and Stanchieri, M L (eds.) Mierda de ciudad. Una rearticulación crítica del urbanismo neoliberal desde las ciencias sociales, Barcelona: Pol.len, 123-126
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